Athens State Orchestra - Breakthroughs and Pioneers III

A great work of art does a lot more than conquering an audience...
Through this prism, Wagner's musical drama Tristan and Isolde is not only one of the most superlative achievements of Romanticism, it is also a gateway through to a sonically, harmonically and expressively new world—a true turning point in Music.
Conducted by Stefanos Tsialis, distinguished opera singers with considerable experience in the Wagnerian oeuvre transport the audience into a world of fierce passions, unparalleled music and poetic emotion.
Petra Lang, soprano, Isolde
Stefan Vinke, tenor, Tristan
Barbara Kozelj, mezzo-soprano, Brangäne
James Moellenhoff, bass, King Marke
Christos Kechris, tenor, Melot, Kurwenal