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'My green dress' by Lena Kitsopoulou on tour in Crete

25 July 2024Source:

The performance "My green dress" by Lena Kitsopoulou, in a summer production by DIPETHE Crete, for the period 2024, will premiere in Chania, at Promachona San Salvatore (Small Stage) on July 25.

Three young women seek the beautiful view of an absurd world by writing fifteen-syllable verses. Waiting for something magical to happen, they take viewers on a journey of the unexpected, claiming their right to clash with social conventions, lose control and have fun, make mistakes and "pay" for them.

The stage becomes the space where, through music and songs, they exorcise anger for the inhuman everyday life, violence and injustice in all their forms, dead ends and disappointments, lost loves, loneliness.

Lena Kitsopoulou's first play, written in 2009, is a provocative, daring and torrential narrative that embraces human existence with tenderness, lively humor and a desperate, rebellious force.


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