Γιάννης Κυριακίδης - Συνθέτης
Ο Γιάννης Κυριακίδης γεννήθηκε το 1969. Ως συνθέτης αποσκοπεί στο να δημιουργήσει νέες φόρμες και υβρίδια μέσων, πειραματιζόμενος με ανόμοιες ηχητικές πηγές και διερευνώντας τη χωρική και χρονική εμπειρία. Στην πλειονότητα των έργων του εστιάζει σε τρόπους συνδυασμού της παραδοσιακής ερμηνείας με τα ψηφιακά μέσα. Ο αισθητηριακός χώρος όπου λαμβάνει χώρα η μουσική είναι ένα ιδιαίτερο μέλημά του και γι’ αυτό αναζητά έναν τρόπο να παρακάμψει τις συμβατικές δομές παρουσίασης της μουσικής. Το ερώτημα για το ποια μουσική είναι αυτή που πραγματικά επικοινωνεί, αποτελεί ένα επαναλαμβανόμενο μοτίβο στο έργο του, ενώ συχνά εμπνέεται από τη σχέση μεταξύ συναισθήματος και γλώσσας και πώς αυτή η σχέση καθορίζει την εμπειρία μας στη μουσική.
Έχει γράψει πάνω από εκατό συνθέσεις, που περιλαμβάνουν κυρίως έργα μουσικού θεάτρου, πολυμέσων και ηλεκτροακουστικά, για σύνολα δωματίου και μεγάλα ανσάμπλ. Έργα του έχουν παρουσιαστεί σε όλο τον κόσμο, σε ορισμένα από τα σημαντικότερα φεστιβάλ, ερμηνευμένα από κορυφαία σύνολα σύγχρονης μουσικής. Η όπερά του, "An Ocean of Rain' («Ένας ωκεανός βροχής»), άνοιξε το Μουσικό Φεστιβάλ του Aldeburgh το 2008. Ήταν ο τιμώμενος συνθέτης σε δύο μουσικά φεστιβάλ, το 2007 (Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival) και το 2011 (November Music 2011). Τα τελευταία χρόνια, έχουν αρχίσει να προκαλούν το ενδιαφέρον και οι ηχητικές εγκαταστάσεις του, όπως τα δύο έργα με τα οποία συμμετείχε στο Ολλανδικό Περίπτερο, στην Μπιενάλε της Βενετίας του 2011.
Το 2000 κέρδισε το διεθνές βραβείο σύνθεσης Gaudeamus, για τη σύνθεσή του "a conSPIracy cantata". Το cd του "Wordless" έλαβε τιμητική μνεία στην Prix Ars Electronica 2006, ενώ το πιο πρόσφατο cd του "Antichamber" βραβεύτηκε με το French Qwartz Electronic Music award. Έχει τιμηθεί επίσης με το ολλανδικό βραβείο Toonzetters, για την καλύτερη σύνθεση του 2010 ("Paramyth"), καθώς και με τα βραβείο Willem Pijper, για τη σύνθεσή του Dreams of the Blind.
Είναι συνιδρυτής και συνδιαχειριστής, από κοινού με τον Andy Moor και την Isabelle Vigier, της δισκογραφικής εταιρείας Unsounds, που ειδικεύεται στη νέα ηλεκτρονική μουσική. Διδάσκει επίσης σύνθεση στο Βασιλικό Ωδείο Μουσικής στη Χάγη.
O Γιάννης Κυριακίδης εκπροσωπείται για όλον τον κόσμο από τον Εκδοτικό Οίκο Donemus. Στο πλαίο της συνεργασίας της Musicentry με τον Donemus, για το μουσικό υλικό των έργων του καθώς και για κάθε είδους εκμετάλλευση τους στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο, είμαστε αρμόδιοι να χορηγήσουμε τις σχετικές άδειες.
Chamber music
piano, electronics
3 dancers, 2 percussionists, 5 metal sheets, ‘myo’ sensors, computers
reed quintet, electronics
2 pianos, 2 percussion, video, soundtrack
piano, percussion, soundtrack, optional video
trombone, sound sytem, on 3 barges
piano, electronics
double string quartet, electronics, video
electric guitar, optional video
electronic ensemble
3 interactive video scores
prepared contrabass, live electronics
voice, viola, microtonal keyboard, coffee grinder, resonance filter (computer)
interactive tablet score
2 violins, contrabass
string quartet, computer
solo viola
[107] words and song without words
cello solo, sound, video
[103] beatrice and the nightingale
sampled piano, live electronics
reed quintet, soundtrack
electric guitar quartet, kazoos, drum machine
bass clarinet, flute, percussion, cello, piano, unspecified ensemble, soundtrack, video score
percussion, live electronics, live video
violin, clarinet, piano, computer
violin/electric violin, computer, video
flute(s). clarinet(s), violin, cello, piano, soundtrack
recorders, viola da gamba, harpsichord, drum machine
violin, soundtrack, video
flute, cello, trombone, synth, bass clarinet, contrabass, telegraphic keys (3-6 players), amplification
[068] as they step into the same rivers
viola, contrabass, iPod shuffle
flute(or clarinet), soundtrack
double-bell trumpet, computer
bass recorder, soundtrack
piano, soundtrack
alto flute, viola, vibraphone, live electronics
percussion, soundtrack, video (also version for large ensemble)
string quartet, live electronics
alto sax, violin, percussion, soundtrack
violin, electric guitar, soundtrack (turntable)
bassoon, cello, piano (or bassoon, piano, soundtrack)
saxophone quartet
piano quintet (or piano and soundtrack)
violin, piano
saxophone, electric guitar, contrabass, soundtrack
violin, piano
saxophone quartet, disklavier
music box
viola, contrabass
string quartet
2 flutes, guitar
violin, accordion, piano, contrabass
trombone, string quartet
orchestra, voices, electronics
violin, politiki lyra, viola da gamba, contrabass, theorbo, zarb, semantron, myo controlled computer voices
voice, baglama, 12 strings, electronics
[131] the musicians of dourgouti
violin, viola, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, piano, marimba, sound media, projected text
orchestra, computer
ensemble electronics
flute, clarinet, vibraphone, piano, violin, cello, contrabass, soundtrack
piano, bass guitar, percussion, 3 table top guitars, live electronics
orchestra, computer, video
ensemble (8), live electronics, soundtrack
[091] airfields (trojan light)
ensemble (15), soundtrack, video
violin, clarinet, electric guitar, contrabass, piano, marimba, soundtrack, video
ensemble (15), soundtrack, video
big band
open instrumentation
[066] the queen is the supreme power in the realm
improv environment for large ensemble, live electronics, live video
ensemble (20), soundtrack, video
ensemble (9), soundtrack, video
wind ensemble
ensemble (9), video
string quartet, trombone quartet, computer
3 voices, ensemble (6)
ensemble (9), soundtrack
ensemble (21), soundtrack, video
piano, ensemble (18, also version for 9)
wind ensemble, piano, bass guitar, soundtrack, video
ensemble (21), soundtrack, video
ensemble (9)
turkish traditional instruments, orchestra
ensemble (9), soundtrack
tenor sax, 2 electric guitars, piano, percussion, electronics
voice, ensemble (14), soundtrack
ensemble (16)
3 saxophones, electric guitar, accordion, piano, bass
Music theatre
3 dancers, 2 percussionists, 5 metal sheets, ‘myo’ sensors, computers
reed quintet, electronics
collaborative work on music theatre project based on Boccaccio’s Decameron
soprano, actors, choir, wind ensemble, accordion, contrabass, percussion, electronics
3 male voices, 3 percussionists, live electronics
4 female singers, actress, violin, recorder, electric guitar, trombone, indian harmonium, contrabass, soundtrack
1 female singer, 2 male actors/percussionist, 3 electronic musicians, soundtrack
1 male actor/singer, cello, piano, live electronics, live video, soundtrack
1 female singer, 2 actors, percussion, harpsichord, live electronics, soundtrack
voice, recorder(s), violin, piano, electronics (live face detection and processing), video
harp, choir, electronics
4 female voices, electronics
voice (mezzo), string quartet, video
[104] the world feels pressure
3 singers (soprano, alto, bass), bass clarinet, live electronics
mezzosporano, keyboard
8 part choir
mezzosoprano, viola, keyboard, electronics
mezzosprano, harpsichord, soundtrack
mezzosprano, drum machine (soundtrack)
2 female voices, piano, live electronics, soundtrack
mezzosoprano, violin, bass clarinet, piano, contrabass
music for audiovisual installation
[147] order of thoughts and things
2 outdoor sound installations
lecture, performance
electric guitar, electronics, video
piano, open ensemble, video score
open instrumentation, speaker installation, visual objects, lights, video projector, smoke machine
trombone, sound sytem, on 3 barges
[119] a life is a billion heartbeats
improvisation on Rebetika songs with Andy Moor (electric guitar), electronics [Album]
[114] geluidhuiden / soundskins
live radio play / hörspiel
[105] 8′66″ (or everything that is irrelevant)
film, soundtrack, 6 ipads
video, soundtrack
8 channel fixed media
organ, fixed media
electric guitar (improv), live electronics
trumpet (improv), live electronics
soundtrack to film
fixed media
[064] music in a foreign language
fixed media (Wave Field Synthesis)
fixed media
electric guitar (improv), soundtrack, live electronics
fixed media
fixed media
fixed media
fixed media
random CDs
virginal, soundtrack
performer, soundtrack
[147] order of thoughts and things
[101] norms of transposition (citizenship)
[131] the musicians of dourgouti
[107] words and song without words
[105] 8′66″ (or everything that is irrelevant)
6/2/2021 - Orgelpark Concert, NL
Waveshaper played by Maze at Orgelpark.
2/4/2021 - Rewire Festival, NL
The Order of Thoughts and Things - 2 sound installations (postponed from last year).
6&7/5/2021 - Face
Electra play Face at Kiel New Music Festival, Germany
9&10&11/6/2021 - Ada
New evening multimedia work Ada, Athens National Opera, Greece.
The Collectors
Konstantyn Napolov + Eke Simons

Once There Was is a suite of pieces based on traditional nursery rhymes. Many of these rhymes have dark and historically significant themes, yet are used to foster emotion and cultivate language. In some cases, rhymes were censored to mask the political message that lie within.

Subvoice is a collection of nine recent works by composer Yannis Kyriakides for various ensembles ranging from single instrument to large orchestra, that represent an investigation into ideas of voice and language. The music is built on traces of voices and texts that seem to speak or sing in an intimate form of dialogue, either as text that is directly encoded into music, or in traces of voice that are embedded and dissolved into the musical fabric.
Lunch Music

Lunch Music is a set of pieces for voices, percussion and live electronics, inspired by the 1959 book Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs. On this recording the virtuosity of percussionists Slagwerk Den Haag (recently heard on the recording of Michael Gordon’s Timber) and contemporary vocal specialists of Silbersee are embedded in a rich sonic environment of electronics, modulated voices, grinding pulses and hallucinatory noises.
The effect of one voice speaking through another, of mediumship and possession, is a central musical concept in the piece, and it is manifested in the way the live electronics, controlled by the percussionists, modulates the voices of the singers and the various fragments of samples heard: from the voice of Burroughs to snippets of 50s pop songs.
Life is a Billion Heartbeats
Yannis Kyriakides + Andy Moor

“A Life Is A Billion Heartbeats” continues Yannis Kyriakides + Andy Moor's exploration and mining of the rich and mysterious terrain of Greek rebetika music from the early 20th century. In this new set of songs they have revisited similar elements but with a new approach in the combination and juxtaposition of rebetika elements with their own distinct sonic explorations. The music travels from more composed and arranged renditions of the old tunes, to completely improvised pieces that try to capture a sense of the gesture and tonalities of the source music, albeit with a contemporary edge.
Resorts and Ruins

In “Resorts & Ruins”, a set of three recent sound works, Kyriakides deals with several themes in both a physical and narrative sense. All the pieces use source material that highlight specific vocal traditions, namely Turkish pop music, Cypriot epic song, and Baroque opera, but they also all make extensive use of other forms of speech and vocal acts. In “Varosha (Disco Debris)”, a narrating voice is our tour-guide in the ruins of the Cypriot ghost town Varosha. “The 100 Words” is made up entirely of voices synthesized with electronic sounds. Commissioned and created at the GRM studios in Paris. “Covertures” consists of walls of sound made up from frozen moments from opera convoluted with the sounds and voices of crowds.
Narratives 1: Dreams

First DVD release of music text films series that will eventually comprise about 15 pieces. “Dreams” brings together 3 pieces recorded by Ensemble MAE and ASKO : dreams of the blind, the arrest and subliminal: The Lucretian Picnic.
dreams of the blind was awarded the Willem Pijper Prijs by the Johan Wagenaar Stichting. The prize was given on December 10th 2011 at the Korzo theatre in Den Haag, as part of the Dag in de Branding.
Limited edition release of 250.

Mazagran releases CD of airfields (trojan light) from the live performance by musikFabrik made in Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam in Feb 2011. This is a 12 part suite for ensemble and electronics.
This work has been nominated for the Toonzetters Prize 2012.

This 2-CD set collects ten pieces by Yannis Kyriakides composed between the late-1990s and the present, spanning some thirteen years of work. It offers a view of a world that is rich both musically and conceptually. These compositions are small-scale in terms of the number of performers required, but large and imposing in sonority, idea, and emotional intensity. For want of a better term we could call them chamber music: the chamber music of a new century.
Antichamber won a Qwartz electronic music award in 2011.
Andy Moor + Yannis Kyriakides

Andy Moor (guitar) and Yannis Kyriakides (computer) lovingly deconstruct and reassemble their favourite rebetika music in a set of 9 pieces that encompass a wide scope of musical vision. This is an unusual and original take on the so called ‘blues’ music of the Greek diaspora of the early 20th century. Originally recorded and released as an exclusive download for Seven Things, this live set recorded in Glasgow's CCA in 2006 is a re-release on CD with two additional tracks.
Andy Moor + Yannis Kyriakides

“Folia” is the third CD collaboration of Andy Moor (guitar) and Yannis Kyriakides (computer) created in 2009 and performed in numerous festivals and concerts that year. It is an epic reworking of the famous tune from the 16th and 17th centuries called “La Folia”. Fusing influences from this and South American folk music, they create a unique sound world of slowly evolving soundscapes, fluctuating beats, and rich oscillating harmonies.
Play Robot Dream
Marco Blaauw + Yannis Kyriakides

Trumpet virtuoso Marco Blaauw, known for his pioneering performances of contemporary classical music has been working with composer and sound improviser Yannis Kyriakides in numerous projects including a multi-media perfomance “co-inc”, and several projects for the ensemble musikFabrik in Cologne. “Play Robot Dream” is a set of improvisations for trumpet(s) and computer. At times playful, at times meditative, they fuse a haunting melodic tendency with a provocative mix of drum machines and analogue electronic sounds.

Electronic suite of 12 portraits based on interviews from the BBOT-BNA archives.
Recieved honorary mention in ARS electronics 2006.
The Buffer Zone

Tido Visser (voice), Marc Reichow (piano), Nikos Veliotis (cello), and Seamus Cater, Mara Tomanek, Mark Morse, Ayelet Harpaz (additional speech).
The Thing Like Us

Electronic music theatre piece based on Spinoza performed by the Veenfabriek. Ayelet Harpaz (voice) , Anne Falbourn (hpschd), Tatiana Koleva (percussion), Carola Arons and Bert Luppes (actors), directed by Paul Koek.
Red v Green
Andy Moor + Yannis Kyriakides

Improvised duos by Andy Moor (guitar) and Yannis Kyriakides (live electronics). The opening chapter in a blossoming collaborative partnership.
a conSPIracy cantata

The CD features 3 works performed by Ayelet Harpaz, Stephie Buttrich and Marion von Tilzer.
- a conSPIracy cantata (45′) 2 voices, piano, radio, electronics
- hYDAtorizon (15′) piano, sine waves
- tetTIX (14′) voice, insect sounds, drum machine

CD featuring works by 6 composers for the Maarten Altena Ensemble including Yannis Kyriakides' don't buy sugar/you're my sugar.
Saba kar-i natik, ilahiler, Gregorian hymns

Turkish classical and gregorian chant performed in an eastern style by the Al Farabi Ensemble of Wouter Sweets. Kyriakides appears as an Ud player. Released on Pan Records (PAN2073) in 2001.
Movement In Music Electronic Orchestra

Collected European festival recordings made between July and November 1997 by this all-star elec(tron)ic improvising ensemble led by AMM's resident 'flat guitarist' Keith Rowe. Also featured: Mego's Christian Fennesz (sampler) and Peter 'Pita' Rehberg (computer), Gert-Jan Prins (electronics, radio), Phil Durrant (violin, electronics), Jerome Noetinger (electronics, tapes), Richard Barnett (computer, sampler), Justin Bennett (analogue synthesizer), Cor Fuhler (piano, electronics), Yannis Kyrakides (violin, electronics), and Thomas Lehn (analogue synthesizers).
Music Box

32 compositions for music box by Dutch composers, including mobylette by Kyriakides.(EW 9413); Label/Year: VPRO, 1994.