Musicentry, member of the Global Marketplace 'Opera Co-Pro'

Musicentry, new member of the international community ''Opera Co-Pro'' since November 19th, to support its creators.
Opera Co-Pro in London is actively collaborating with opera companies, orchestras, independent producers, record companies, publishers, composers, librettists and directors. Opera Co-Pro is the innovative London born service to help opera companies to co-produce operas and to rent or sell recent productions around the world!
Below is the recent announcement by Opera Co-Pro:
Welcome to the Opera Co-Pro
We are pleased to announce that Teatro Verdi di Pisa, MUSICENTRY, Odradek Records, Festival Gloriana, Netzzeit Vienna and Flamenco Agency are now part of the Opera Co-Pro community!
We officially launched the new Opera Co-Pro platform on November 19th, during a presentation at Università degli Studi di Salerno. All current members receive an email invitation to join, where they will receive free access for 15 days to all areas of the platform. We look forward to sharing the new unique tools offered by Opera Co-Pro and working with you.