Music Creations Music Instruments Cello

Sonorous and assertive.
From chamber music to open-air - tonal excellence.
AC-14 : Cello (12.400 €)
AC-14 : Cello with Pickup (12.900 €)
AC-15 : Cello 5-strings 'Elena' (12.550 €)
AC-15 : Cello 5-strings 'Elena' with Pickup (13.050 €)
Technical details
Size : 4/4
Body : Complex multi layer carbon fiber laminate, partially incorporating sandwich structures
Fingerboard : Carbon
Uppernut : Composite
Pegs : Wittner finetuning pegs, alternatively Pegheads or wooden pegs
Spike : Bender end button with Carbon or Titanium spike
Strings : Pirastro Perpetual Editione, alternatively Thomastik Infeld Versum
Tailpiece : Hill-Model with finetuners, alternatively Weidler Acusticus
Finish : Semi-gloss wax finish
Proof of authenticity : Label with Serial number
Optional Pickup : passive ANS bridgepickup
Optional connection jack : 1/4'' Carpenter Jack
Position of the optinal connection jack : Integrated into tailpiece
Finish variations : High gloss painture showing fibre structure, opaque colour or custom painture (airbrush, multicolour or translucent ink). Neck area remains without any paint.